Saturday, November 15, 2008

My UMS friends

long time din post liaw...... hehe..... my life in UMS is getting better and funny... i hav my own gangs here.. A BIG GANG!!!!! around 10 persons..... wow.... so 高调.... haha... but i like them.. all of them are v nice and funny... is good to hav friends like them... You wont have boring uni life but happy life...haha... so 严重

my best friend, Keng niu...

we go Kenny Roger eat....

at library

V match rite? hiakhiak....jz kidding lar..

walau! so hardwoking studying..

who r u?? haha...he is my ME president..
can said tat is de head of our gang...


our PR, Mr.Lim teck Ying.. haha