Thursday, May 8, 2008

YEAH! Go out with Sharon

Last night went out with Siaw Hui... long time didn't see her liaw. We went to Point One at RH there. We spent time at there for chatting.. hehe.. We share our life story. She work as temporary teacher. she will be a good teacher. Well, She become prettier. Wanna know what we talked last night? Haha.. I'm so sorry.. i can't tell u guys.. We should keep people's secret properly. wahahahaha
by the way, that night, we met
zhi yang, timothy, pauline, desmond and wen xing. hehe..


Sharon said...

psst! ah lin, should tell them this shop is black shop, drink not nice...

ah.j said...


lol sharon~

too bad lar~

if me, i will complaint back ma XD