Saturday, August 16, 2008


来了这儿已经有一个多月了。。但是,我还是不能适应。。新的环境,新的朋友,新的生活方式,让我很无奈。。还好现在我有好朋友陪在我身边。。。已经很努力去认识人。。我现在想放弃了。。我想做会自己,我不想为了要认识人而厚着脸皮去跟陌生人说话。这不是我。 我不要自己变成不是自己的我。


紅爐點雪 said...

hi linlin.. wuily here. how's life there? i cant login to frenster so cant leave u msg there.
me nw at beijing le. no frens at all here.. so everyday at hostel watch tv.. boring life.
so miss d moment wif u guys. mayb dunhave alot sweet memories wif u, but i realy appreciate u as my fren.
Thanks a lot fren..
hope our tiring life will end soon.
All da best to ur study there

carbunclon said...

Me too~ study alone in Singapore.

Hope U will comfortable there~(now is October liaw)

Good luck in ur studies and take care please!

With Love,