Saturday, May 10, 2008


Friends mean wat to you???
if can choose, you would like to choose which one???

have many friends, but, very few of best friend...
Don't have many friends, but, all of them are good friend to you.
For me, i would like to choose the second one. Some of friends only will ask for your help and never offer their helps. But, not for best friend. Good friend will always stay together with us no matter what happen.
Do you ever ask yourself that you have how many friends? Are they treat you as their best friend?
Maybe, in fact, we can't control our friend's mind. I believe one day they will appreciate us. NONE OF THE HUMANKIND ARE HATI BATU...Peace~

1 comment:

Sharon said...

lin, i m sure tat ppl will see wat a great friend u are in the end~ because u r a terrific one! :>